Grab your favorite products from sellers in every nook and corner of India with the help of Vinculum’s Vin eRetail service.
Newly launched & High quality products at affordable rates
Round the year offers and discounts
Customer care executives for every single query
Social media help from our executives
Quick delivery across the country
Quick and easy product returns
You will receive an email & SMS confirmation when you've successfully placed your order. You will also get a confirmation call from our customer care executive. After the order is picked from our courier partner you will get your order tracking information from the 'My Orders' section on your Wowfas account.
You can track the order status from the 'My Orders' section on your Wowfas account. Once our courier partner picks your order from the seller, you will get a tracking link via sms & email. You can track your order via that link.
After successful product delivery, you will get the return option in your order dashboard for the return period. During the return period, you can easily place a return request if the product does not meet your expectations. For more details visit the ‘Returns and Cancellations’ page on our website.
Yes, the total amount you spent on an order will be refunded to you. Your net total spend on a returned item will be zero.
Vinculum is a market leader in omnichannel retailing, working with brands and retailers to help them scale their revenues across multiple sales channels faster. This is undertaken through multiple solutions covering automated listing, order management, inventory management, fulfillment, product information management and category-wise insights.